sturdy defense 1.45   A sturdy defense.
  sturdy shoe 1.25   Wear sturdy walking shoes or hiking boots.
  sturdy support 0.66   Any old sturdy support will do.
  sturdy box 0.46   Place the package in a sturdy box.
  sturdy economy 0.46   Still, confidence remains at historically high levels, indicating a fairly sturdy economy, Conference Board officials said.
  sturdy man 0.46   More common is the conviction of Muhammad Naeem, a sturdy man who was pumping gas.
  sturdy table 0.46   A few rested on sturdy tables.
  sturdy boot 0.39   Sturdy boots with steel caps can protect from chainsaw cuts and from falling log ends.
  sturdy frame 0.39   Children who wear glasses should have a pair with shatterproof lenses and sturdy frames.
  sturdy leg 0.39   They may be discerned as sturdy legs, like the Colossus of Rhodes.
  sturdy pair 0.39   Must own sturdy pair of hip boots.
  sturdy steel 0.39   These odd boxes were mounted on sturdy steel frames, with wires protruding in every direction.
  sturdy structure 0.39   Education and entertainment in one sturdy structure.
  sturdy tree 0.39   ...stately houses, discreetly hidden behind great avenues of sturdy trees.
  sturdy backbone 0.33   But what if a skater stays at the top in the sport so many years that she develops a sturdy backbone and can stand on her own?
  sturdy brick 0.33   Church was a daily ritual in the sturdy brick DiIulio house.
  sturdy one 0.33   Only the sturdy ones made it to safety.
  sturdy woman 0.33   A sturdy young woman, with a mane of wilfull red hair, Vlock had nursed her first child.
  sturdy build 0.26   Sturdy build, physical play helps him control area.
  sturdy case 0.26   Thirteen plastic tools, including drill and saw, in a sturdy case.
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