stuff be 26.93   All my stuff is here.
  stuff happen 5.66   Stuff happens.
  stuff go 3.29   Where does all the stuff go?
  stuff come 2.57   And the stuff came.
  stuff work 1.78   This stuff works.
  stuff get 1.58   Stuff gets in the way.
  stuff have 1.25   All that stuff has to stop.
  stuff make 1.18   That stuff make you happy.
  stuff look 0.79   This stuff looks like Marburg.
  stuff start 0.79   And then the serious stuff can start.
  stuff keep 0.72   Hey, stuff keeps happening.
  stuff begin 0.59   Then the strange stuff begins.
  stuff cost 0.59   This stuff costs a fortune now!
  stuff do 0.59   Yeah baby red stuff will do.
  stuff seem 0.59   Stuff always seems to happen there.
  stuff sell 0.53   This stuff sells.
  stuff take 0.46   He lets his natural stuff take over.
  stuff hit 0.33   The famous stuff hit the fan.
  stuff include 0.33   Stuff also includes multiple children.
  stuff remain 0.33   Other outlandish stuff remains.
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