structure be 36.01   And the structure is there.
  structure have 3.49   Our tariff structure has a serious drawback.
  structure allow 2.17   The new structure would allow this.
  structure remain 1.78   The new glass structures remain rigid.
  structure make 1.45   The structure makes investors nervous, Kelley suggested.
  structure change 1.32   Burke said the prize-money structure could change next year.
  structure become 1.12   Will the new structure become more complex?
  structure give 1.12   The structure of rituals gives us a sense of security.
  structure collapse 1.05   Smaller structures collapsed.
  structure provide 0.99   The structure of plants provides hints to their drought tolerance.
  structure include 0.92   Underneath the wooden layers, the support structure includes an arch.
  structure need 0.92   Both structures need major repairs.
  structure appear 0.86   The leadership structure appears to have become more politicized.
  structure stand 0.86   But the basic structure still stands.
  structure look 0.79   The structure looks like a machine.
  structure begin 0.72   I knew Wynton would need a structure to begin his work.
  structure house 0.72   The structure would house memorabilia from his career.
  structure seem 0.72   Decades later, these structures seem awkwardly modern.
  structure fall 0.66   Eventually the whole structure falls.
  structure take 0.66   The sales structure take two.
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