stroll street 2.17   People stroll streets at night.
  stroll ground 1.38   Strolling the grounds with someone.
  stroll sidewalk 0.72   Shoppers stroll the sidewalks of downtown.
  stroll beach 0.46   There were more people outside, riding bikes, strolling the beach, snoozing in the sun.
  stroll musician 0.46   In addition, there will be lively entertainment by strolling musicians.
  stroll arm-in-arm 0.39   They strolled arm-in-arm down a hill until it was time to part.
  stroll hall 0.39   But what do the designers themselves look at when they stroll the exhibition hall?
  stroll aisle 0.26   Another captor strolled the aisles, threatening them.
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