stifle competition 7.44   Credit rationing stifles competition between banks.
  stifle dissent 4.28   This stifles dissent, he said.
  stifle growth 3.88   Panamanians say that has stifled economic growth.
  stifle inflation 2.83   You can stifle inflation.
  stifle innovation 2.11   They stifle innovation.
  stifle debate 1.84   ...a shameless attempt to stifle democratic debate.
  stifle freedom 1.84   But some evangelicals believe Bartholomew is trying to stifle religious freedom.
  stifle yawn 1.78   He stifled a yawn.
  stifle criticism 1.58   Journalists said it sought to stifle criticism of the government.
  stifle opposition 1.45   Belgrade has since managed to stifle any opposition.
  stifle creativity 1.25   Creativity cannot be stifled, she added.
  stifle demand 1.18   Higher borrowing costs stifle demand for loans.
  stifle economy 1.12   The Economics Ministry blamed freezing weather for stifling the economy.
  stifle urge 0.86   He stifled an urge to hit her.
  stifle development 0.79   It says taxation would stifle development of new technologies.
  stifle expression 0.72   That sounds like a formula easily interpreted to stifle free expression.
  stifle investment 0.72   Sanctions also have stifled investment.
  stifle protest 0.72   He said he refused to stifle his protests.
  stifle democracy 0.66   In the process, critics charge, it has flaunted the law and stifled democracy.
  stifle consumer 0.59   They also can stifle consumers from buying goods on credit.
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