statehood declaration 2.70   He suggested, however, that a statehood declaration could.
  statehood issue 1.58   He did not directly address the statehood issue.
  statehood advocate 0.86   Still, statehood advocates are optimistic.
  statehood supporter 0.66   Gov. Pedro Rossello, a statehood supporter conceded the primary.
  statehood announcement 0.33   U.S. officials want Arafat to delay a statehood announcement in order to avoid a controversy.
  statehood claim 0.33   Taiwan reaffirms statehood claim but seeks to placate China.
  statehood aspiration 0.26   The comment was interpreted by Palestinians and even Israelis as U.S. recognition of Palestinian statehood aspirations.
  statehood movement 0.26   That continues to fuel the statehood movement.
  statehood plan 0.26   Arafat has discussed statehood plans in Egypt, Morocco, Russia and Tunisia.
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