startling contrast 1.58   It is a boom of startling contrasts.
  startling revelation 1.45   No startling revelations.
  startling news 1.32   This is startling news to many of us.
  startling change 1.18   If so, that would be a startling change.
  startling discovery 1.12   He made a startling discovery.
  startling number 1.12   The city has seen a startling number of hacking attempts.
  startling admission 1.05   Then Guillen made a startling admission.
  startling result 1.05   These startling results raise many questions.
  startling development 0.92   Then, a startling development.
  startling thing 0.86   There are startling things in his early music.
  startling success 0.79   What phage therapy needed was a startling success.
  startling image 0.72   Conventional ballet lifts yield to startling images.
  startling effect 0.59   The new arrangement has a startling effect on her marriage.
  startling fact 0.59   When I asked the doctor about it, he gave me the startling facts.
  startling aspect 0.53   Its most startling aspect is the absence of narrative.
  startling difference 0.53   There are startling differences from top to bottom of the lists.
  startling break 0.46   Then came a startling break.
  startling conclusion 0.46   This was a really startling conclusion.
  startling detail 0.46   There were many startling details, none of which added up.
  startling information 0.46   Oh, the media do their best to pass off old stories as startling new information.
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