stark contrast 24.36   In stark contrast is Nicholas.
  stark difference 3.62   But there is a stark difference.
  stark reminder 3.23   Karbala is a stark reminder of the uprising.
  stark choice 2.90   But there is one stark choice.
  stark reality 2.76   Willard lives in a world of stark reality.
  stark relief 1.38   The tree stood out in stark relief against the snow.
  stark term 1.25   But he laid out the stakes in stark terms.
  stark warning 1.12   The Serb commander in the region gave a more stark warning.
  stark picture 0.99   You paint a very stark picture of the suffering but where is the hope?
  stark image 0.92   Stark images shown on Al-Jazeera were nowhere to be seen.
  stark example 0.86   The Comalcalco rally provided a stark example.
  stark fact 0.86   The photograph only records stark fact.
  stark landscape 0.72   The stark landscape inspired some of her best-known paintings.
  stark beauty 0.59   It is a landscape of stark beauty.
  stark wall 0.59   Sam sat looking at the stark white walls.
  stark white 0.59   The walls are freshly painted stark white.
  stark departure 0.53   The result was a stark departure from traditional public housing.
  stark illustration 0.53   A stark illustration of how rapid the shift overseas has been is in automotive trade.
  stark background 0.46   Stark background.
  stark drama 0.39   They were stark dramas of the billion-footed city.
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