stall talk 9.94   Peace talks are stalled.
  stall negotiation 4.74   Negotiations were stalled.
  stall effort 3.62   His departure could stall those efforts.
  stall bill 3.36   The bill was stalled.
  stall process 3.36   The process has been stalled since.
  stall legislation 2.63   The legislation was stalled Tuesday.
  stall reform 2.57   Political bickering has stalled reforms.
  stall progress 2.37   Her progress was stalled.
  stall project 2.17   The project has been stalled.
  stall plan 2.11   The plan is stalled in committe meetings.
  stall car 1.65   Cars were stalled.
  stall action 1.51   The agreement can stall any action, even in a crisis.
  stall investigation 1.45   That rejection stalled the investigation again.
  stall measure 1.12   The measure is also stalled in committee.
  stall agreement 1.05   Congress could stall the agreement by denying funds for the fuel oil.
  stall traffic 1.05   Traffic was stalled on the overpass.
  stall proceeding 0.99   Baghdad stalled proceedings in protest of U.N. distribution methods it said were unsatisfactory.
  stall case 0.86   The case was almost stalled.
  stall implementation 0.86   However, financial difficulties have stalled implementation of the agreement.
  stall passage 0.86   Emotional debate had stalled passage of the new law for three years.
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