stain be 8.49   So are stains.
  stain peel 0.99   The stain will not peel.
  stain remain 0.86   The stain remained.
  stain come 0.66   These stains will never come out!
  stain cover 0.59   Will a semitransparent stain cover the wood evenly?
  stain go 0.59   Such a stain must go over bare wood.
  stain have 0.53   The new stain has a mottled effect.
  stain appear 0.46   Blue stains are appearing at the drain of the tub.
  stain spread 0.46   The stain is spreading.
  stain bleed 0.33   The dirt stain bled through the paint.
  stain disappear 0.33   He scrubs vigorously until the stains disappear.
  stain get 0.33   Tar stains also get absorbed into dental plaque and are difficult to remove.
  stain show 0.33   But the stains are showing through.
  stain dry 0.26   The stain will dry overnight.
  stain last 0.26   The stain will last five years, maybe more.
  stain require 0.26   Stains require repainting.
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