stabilise price 2.04   The move, according to them, would help stabilise the prices of goods.
  stabilise market 1.32   But the measures have so far failed to stabilise the market.
  stabilise currency 0.86   If not, he said, interest rates would soar in moves to stabilise the currency.
  stabilise economy 0.86   The aim would be to try to stabilise the economy and bring down inflation.
  stabilise situation 0.86   SABA did not specify what measures would be taken to stabilise the situation in Aden.
  stabilise baht 0.72   Additional stand-by credit would ease liquidity and stabilise the baht, paving the way for interest rates to fall.
  stabilise ringgit 0.46   Stabilising the ringgit still remains the main objective of our recovery plan.
  stabilise country 0.26   The presence of both American and United Nations troops has stabilised the country.
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