south of 102.96   Half-mile south of Cartago.
  south to 2.17   But for a better time, go south to Rosarito.
  south in 1.05   And things can go south in a hurry.
  south as 0.99   I go as far west as Syracuse and as far south as Poughkeepsie.
  south into 0.86   Here, there is a view both north into Tennessee and south into North Carolina.
  south from 0.79   The investment went south almost from the beginning.
  south toward 0.79   From there, you can go south toward the North Rim.
  south for 0.72   Turn right and go south for two miles.
  south through 0.66   That forced them to swing south through the Bay of Bengal, Thailand and Vietnam.
  south along 0.39   The moving train was en route from the Cairo suburb of Giza to Beni Suef, south along the Nile River.
  south on 0.33   Everything went south on me.
  south onto 0.26   Turn south onto Elm Street.
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