song be 45.56   A song is so short.
  song have 6.25   That song has a phat beat.
  song come 2.63   The song comes first.
  song become 2.50   The song became a hit.
  song go 2.50   How does the song go?
  song end 1.91   The song ends.
  song sound 1.78   Its big songs sound good.
  song play 1.51   Then I let the song play me.
  song seem 1.51   Even the songs seem trite and silly.
  song make 1.45   Every song makes you want to laugh.
  song say 1.38   That song says it all.
  song take 1.38   Each song takes on its own character.
  song remain 1.32   My song remains the same.
  song bring 0.86   The song brought a tear to his eye.
  song blare 0.79   Religious songs blared on loudspeakers.
  song feature 0.79   His songs feature sophisticated lyrics and clever melodies.
  song get 0.79   The sad songs got to him, too.
  song sing 0.79   But what is it about rocking chairs that makes people want to sing sad songs?
  song start 0.72   But songs just started coming out.
  song appear 0.66   The downloaded song will now appear on your hard drive.
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