son be 89.86   Could be his son.
  son have 19.03   His son had no license.
  son say 13.36   His son said he was home resting.
  son go 8.62   A son is going blind.
  son die 8.49   One son dies.
  son play 7.11   His sons play.
  son come 5.99   And his son comes in.
  son do 5.86   So did the son.
  son take 5.79   My son is taking French.
  son become 5.00   Our son becomes a vegan.
  son live 4.08   My son lives here.
  son get 3.75   Both sons got jobs.
  son make 3.75   The son made him prouder.
  son tell 3.62   My son tells me he is not guilty.
  son want 3.36   Her son wants to be an actor.
  son attend 2.96   His son attends VMI.
  son know 2.76   This son knows.
  son work 2.70   My son works here.
  son begin 2.50   Her son has begun to show troubling signs.
  son run 2.50   My five-year-old son runs everywhere.
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