softball team 5.66   The softball team is coed.
  softball game 4.74   Went to softball game.
  softball player 2.83   Softball players.
  softball field 1.97   Spread on softball field.
  softball coach 1.58   A softball coach and a journalist also left.
  softball league 1.38   He also played in a base softball league.
  softball question 1.18   He has heard the stuff about softball questions before.
  softball tournament 0.72   There is also time for the occasional softball tournament.
  softball diamond 0.66   A softball diamond was just completed there.
  softball pitcher 0.59   Johnny Vander Meer has nothing on U.S. Olympic softball pitcher Lisa Fernandez.
  softball bat 0.39   Or used her official softball bat or glove.
  softball practice 0.26   Neighbors came by with children grass-stained from softball practice.
  softball program 0.26   Every college softball program in the nation wanted her.
  softball season 0.26   Thus, the dawning of the softball season is an emotional spring.
  softball star 0.26   But even now, Sarah, a senior softball star at Wisconsin-Eau Claire, does not mind.
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