smoker be 6.58   But smokers are a minority today.
  smoker have 3.03   Smokers may have the last word yet.
  smoker say 1.12   A smoker says she does not smoke.
  smoker get 0.99   Statistically, most full-time smokers do not get lung cancer.
  smoker take 0.79   Some smokers will take him at his word.
  smoker tend 0.79   Most smokers tend to keep on smoking.
  smoker light 0.72   A New York smoker can light up just about anywhere.
  smoker quit 0.72   Smokers could always quit, and many have.
  smoker face 0.59   Smokers generally are facing tougher times in Thailand.
  smoker pay 0.59   Smokers often pay a high price in terms of their health.
  smoker puff 0.59   On a recent weekday afternoon, smokers puffed happily away, flicking their cigarette ashes into glasses.
  smoker stop 0.59   They worried that most smokers may simply stop dining in their restaurants.
  smoker use 0.59   Smokers used to be her best tippers, she said.
  smoker complain 0.53   Smokers complained about the steeper cigarette taxes.
  smoker go 0.53   In any case, smokers are going to smoke.
  smoker start 0.53   And most smokers start when they are teen-agers.
  smoker feel 0.46   Many smokers feel trapped.
  smoker find 0.46   Smokers may find different rates at different companies.
  smoker like 0.46   Most smokers would like to bid their butts goodbye.
  smoker sue 0.46   Jones ruled that the smokers could sue the tobacco companies.
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