slam into 86.70   I slammed into the driving seat.
  slam on 10.01   He slammed on them.
  slam down 7.18   Haarhuis slammed down five.
  slam in 6.06   Aucoin slammed it in.
  slam to 4.41   Crates slammed to the ground.
  slam against 4.34   He slammed them against his ear.
  slam for 2.63   Two plays later Bam Morris slammed in for the score.
  slam as 1.51   During the Nouvelle Cuisine era, he was slammed as passe.
  slam with 1.25   They are heavy and slam with a thud that gives confidence.
  slam behind 1.05   The screen door slams behind me.
  slam through 0.99   The plane slammed through a magnolia tree and crumpled against the presidential mansion.
  slam at 0.79   Texas got slammed at Virginia.
  slam onto 0.66   Then you pull up, and they slam onto the floor.
  slam over 0.59   He also had a bottle slammed over his head.
  slam off 0.53   Then he slammed off into his office.
  slam near 0.33   The shells slammed down near the candle-lit outdoor ceremony as the bride and groom exchanged vows.
  slam out_of 0.33   That measures out to a quarter-mile, and that is how far Prudhomme slammed it out of the yard.
  slam across 0.26   Then an iron grate slams across the screen.
  slam from 0.26   I suddenly loved Death Valley - it slammed you from one extreme to the other.
  slam of 0.26   The WWF also had a body slam of an opening.
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