skin be 19.35   But skin is back.
  skin become 2.30   The skin becomes dry and hot.
  skin have 1.84   Her skin had a bluish tinge.
  skin crawl 1.51   My skin crawled.
  skin feel 1.51   Her skin felt chapped.
  skin look 1.45   My skin looks healthier.
  skin begin 1.32   The chapped skin began to burn.
  skin seem 1.05   Her skin seemed to be tingling.
  skin turn 0.99   The skin turns black when ripe.
  skin absorb 0.86   Light skin absorbs lots of UV, while dark skin absorbs less.
  skin lose 0.72   The skin loses its youthful bloom.
  skin get 0.66   My skin got bad.
  skin slip 0.66   The skins slip right off.
  skin peel 0.59   He said the skin peeled away when he removed his socks.
  skin peel_off 0.59   My skin was peeling off.
  skin start 0.59   Their exposed skin started to turn scarlet.
  skin contain 0.53   It has long been known that amphibian skin contains strong chemicals.
  skin crack 0.53   The skin then cracks or peels.
  skin make 0.53   Her green skin made her an instant pariah.
  skin thicken 0.53   The skin thickens.
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