singular moment 0.92   It is a singular moment in a life that has not been easy.
  singular event 0.72   It was a singular event.
  singular style 0.72   The other two have singular styles.
  singular focus 0.66   For Bush, the singular focus is comfortable.
  singular voice 0.66   What a singular voice.
  singular goal 0.59   My singular goal is to amuse myself.
  singular vision 0.53   It was as singular a vision of theater as that of Grotowski and the Becks.
  singular character 0.46   It is full of singular characters, too.
  singular passion 0.46   A singular passion of the French, who are prone to gush about it...
  singular achievement 0.39   What a singular achievement.
  singular act 0.39   It was no singular act.
  singular lack 0.39   That calculation displayed a singular lack of judgment.
  singular place 0.39   This singular place is Fujianese Chinatown in New York City.
  singular power 0.39   Russia has long thought of itself as a singular power.
  singular role 0.39   Watches occupy a singular role in the pantheon of male vanity.
  singular talent 0.39   Yet, USA Swimming appreciates his singular talent.
  singular experience 0.33   First of all, there is context for each work as a singular experience.
  singular form 0.33   ...the fifteen case endings of the singular form of the Finnish noun.
  singular ability 0.26   Co-star Rob Reiner, she recalled, demonstrated singular abilities and clear ambition.
  singular figure 0.26   Singular figures.
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