ship product 6.85   You can ship products quickly.
  ship goods 5.66   Goods are generally shipped by airmail.
  ship oil 3.49   More oil will be shipped by small companies.
  ship drug 3.23   Cartels ship drugs by land, water and air.
  ship waste 3.16   All spent fuel and low-level waste would be shipped out.
  ship order 1.97   Factories ship fewer orders.
  ship car 1.84   Cars are shipped to Genoa.
  ship material 1.78   The material was later shipped to Israel.
  ship part 1.78   Some delicate aircraft parts are shipped in wooden boxes.
  ship item 1.71   Amazon now charges to ship most items.
  ship equipment 1.51   Rico Brogna had his equipment shipped south.
  ship food 1.45   Food is shipped in by aid agencies.
  ship merchandise 1.45   Some stopped shipping merchandise.
  ship arm 1.32   Other duties included shipping arms.
  ship supply 1.32   Later Saturday, the agency had begun shipping the supplies.
  ship container 1.25   Containers can be shipped overland to other ports.
  ship weapon 1.25   No weapons were ever shipped to the United States.
  ship body 1.18   The body was shipped back to America.
  ship company 1.18   Shares of airlines, shipping companies and trucking companies were among gainers.
  ship computer 1.05   And Dell has just begun shipping computers from a vast new Nashville factory.
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