shelf be 7.90   There were no shelves.
  shelf hold 1.18   The shelves hold books about shipwrecks and pumpkins.
  shelf empty 0.33   Danes have hoarded gasoline and food as gas stations ran dry and shop shelves emptied.
  shelf go 0.33   Home Depot is ruthless when a supplier lets a shelf go bare.
  shelf line 0.33   Shelves lined the walls but were only half-filled with books.
  shelf remain 0.33   Supermarket shelves remained devoid of Coke, still banned by the government after consumers became ill consuming soft drinks a week ago.
  shelf display 0.26   Shelves displayed only dust in most shops.
  shelf get 0.26   This poor shelf gets worse and worse !
  shelf groan 0.26   The shelves are groaning.
  shelf grow 0.26   Ice shelves have grown and shrunk through the ages, mirroring the natural cooling and warming of the climate.
  shelf have 0.26   Another shelf has a collection of books about Hemingway.
  shelf sag 0.26   Bookstore shelves sag under the weight of New Age solutions.
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