shed light 55.69   Any light you can shed ?
  shed tear 19.03   Few tears were shed.
  shed image 4.48   The fusty old image would be shed.
  shed job 3.95   Jobs have been shed everywhere.
  shed worker 3.82   The bank continued to shed workers.
  shed blood 3.49   Their blood is shed.
  shed business 2.90   The company is shedding some businesses.
  shed pound 2.57   I needed to shed a few pounds.
  shed weight 2.24   ATLANTA - Shed weight.
  shed leaf 1.91   He shed his leaves to cover her.
  shed asset 1.84   For a long time, that meant shedding assets.
  shed reputation 1.38   Meanwhile, Palmeiras also wants to shed its reputation as an underachiever.
  shed gain 1.12   The key index shed gains from the morning close, with investors focusing on penny stocks.
  shed staff 1.05   IBM, the mainframe factory, shed staff by the tens of thousands.
  shed skin 0.99   These snakes shed their skins once a year.
  shed thousand 0.99   NTL has shed thousands of jobs to cut costs.
  shed operation 0.92   The company already has moved to cut costs and shed unprofitable operations.
  shed unit 0.92   They shed non-drug units in a bid to garner U.S. merger approval.
  shed water 0.79   These are infamously bad at shedding water.
  shed clothes 0.72   Shedding her clothes on film mortified her at first.
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