sharper focus 3.03   Clarity itself came into sharper focus.
  sharper picture 2.90   Digital technology can transmit sharper pictures.
  sharper image 1.84   It presents a sharper image.
  sharper edge 0.92   But I still think mine has a sharper edge.
  sharper decline 0.59   Some funds in these sectors posted even sharper declines.
  sharper relief 0.59   And the extent of the erosion of rights and liberties is coming into much sharper relief.
  sharper contrast 0.53   There could not be sharper contrasts between the two candidates.
  sharper fall 0.46   The regional currency crisis triggered even sharper falls on the regional stock markets.
  sharper increase 0.33   The Swiss currency has shown even sharper increases in previous years.
  sharper angle 0.26   The house looked cooler, clearer, its angles sharper and shadows blacker in the high summer sunshine.
  sharper eye 0.26   And keepers keep a sharper eye on daily expenses.
  sharper flavor 0.26   Her staff also created Diet Coke with Lemon, which has a sharper flavor.
  sharper rise 0.26   In the past three years, though costs have been cut slightly, the company witnessed a sharper rise in sales.
  sharper skill 0.26   But it needs many more analysts with better training and sharper skills, he said.
  sharper sound 0.26   MMX is supposed to offer sharper sound and graphics for multimedia computers.
  sharper tone 0.26   He took the sharper tone in a TV interview.
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