shape policy 5.92   We are shaping policy.
  shape life 5.07   He credits them with shaping his life.
  shape future 4.81   But Asia may be where its future is shaped.
  shape way 2.57   Item seven, shaping the way ahead.
  shape debate 1.91   Lobbying also helps shape the debate.
  shape dough 1.84   Shape dough into a ball.
  shape view 1.58   How can it not shape her views?
  shape character 1.38   And that in turn shapes the character of the choice given to the voters.
  shape legislation 1.38   Access often helps donors shape legislation, Lewis said.
  shape history 1.32   Religion has shaped human history.
  shape attitude 1.25   How did Clinton help shape this attitude?
  shape destiny 1.25   Three successful people reveal how fathers shape their destiny.
  shape decision 1.12   But competitive forces are also shaping decisions.
  shape world 1.12   Let language shape the world.
  shape image 1.05   Her public image was shaped by the media.
  shape piece 1.05   Shape each piece into a round loaf.
  shape behavior 0.99   And through the soul, they shape behavior.
  shape mixture 0.99   Shape mixture into a ball.
  shape agendum 0.86   For better or for worse, campaigns shape the agenda.
  shape program 0.86   The program is shaped like a bottle of Guinness, the dark ale favored in Dublin.
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