shape like 34.50   Carrots shaped like eggplant?
  shape in 4.15   Indistinguishable shapes in the fog.
  shape as 2.24   Shape as desired.
  shape with 1.45   Shape with spatula to conform to shape of pie plate.
  shape to 1.05   Or because it gives meaning and moral shape to their lives.
  shape for 0.99   More shape for the ghosts.
  shape around 0.53   The entire sheet will become pliable, so you can shape it around a mold.
  shape of 0.53   Or shape of the line.
  shape over 0.53   The limitations of the statute have been shaped over time through court battles.
  shape than 0.53   But before you fall in love, bear in mind that shrub refers more to shape than size.
  shape on 0.46   But no one can guide children and shape them on their way to adulthood like parents.
  shape at 0.39   The newest ones are shaped at the waist and look great with both skirts and pants.
  shape by 0.39   The long-term market will shaped by whether investors believe the economy will slow too much.
  shape during 0.26   His management tactics were shaped during a difficult stretch for American industry.
  shape through 0.26   One of the main tenets of behaviourism is that behaviour can be shaped through reinforcement by reward.
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