shadow be 4.87   Her shadow is immense.
  shadow lengthen 1.58   Already the shadows were lengthening.
  shadow fall 1.12   A shadow fell.
  shadow loom 0.66   The shadow of violence looms large.
  shadow cross 0.46   A shadow crossed her features.
  shadow move 0.46   Behind the curtains a shadow moves.
  shadow seem 0.46   As the sun began to set, long shadows seemed to creep out of the corners.
  shadow appear 0.39   Until one bright day, at long last, a green shadow appeared.
  shadow begin 0.39   Shadows began to fill the valleys below us.
  shadow come 0.39   As he fiddled, a shadow came over him.
  shadow creep 0.39   The shadows creep up on the cabin.
  shadow deepen 0.33   From all these standpoints, the nuclear shadow has deepened.
  shadow pass 0.33   A shadow passes into the silent night.
  shadow cover 0.26   Nearly half her face is covered by shadow as the sun sets for the evening.
  shadow darken 0.26   The evening shadows darkened the room.
  shadow gather 0.26   As shadows gather, some babies cry.
  shadow grow 0.26   So the shadows grow.
  shadow hang 0.26   The shadow of Kosovo hung over the London conference, which is part of the anniversary celebrations by the alliance.
  shadow remain 0.26   But the shadow remains.
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