severe than 9.02   And some of them are more severe than others.
  severe as 5.13   But none are as severe as this.
  severe in 4.94   Are you less severe in Kuwait?
  severe on 2.24   Hudson also was severe on Ganesh.
  severe for 1.91   The losses were less severe for tech stocks.
  severe with 1.84   Some storms will turn severe with high winds and hail.
  severe by 0.46   The storm damage was severe by any measure.
  severe over 0.39   Financial issues are very severe over there.
  severe to 0.39   This index distinguishes five different levels of organic brain syndrome ranging from severe to subclinical.
  severe at 0.26   Daimler said the effect of the rise was particularly severe at its aerospace unit, Daimler-Benz Aerospace AG, or DASA.
  severe of 0.26   VBAC, too, has risks, the most severe of which is uterine rupture.
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