sentiment be 44.11   But the sentiments are there.
  sentiment remain 11.72   Overall sentiment remained weak.
  sentiment run 3.88   Sentiment ran high.
  sentiment improve 3.82   Investor sentiment is improving, too.
  sentiment seem 3.23   Such sentiments seem likely to persist.
  sentiment turn 3.23   Public sentiment rapidly turned anti-American.
  sentiment change 2.11   That sentiment has changed.
  sentiment grow 1.84   Antiwar sentiment was growing across the country.
  sentiment appear 1.78   Those sentiments appear to be waning.
  sentiment continue 1.38   That revolutionary sentiment continues today.
  sentiment become 1.32   That sentiment has become a mantra of sorts in the industry.
  sentiment shift 1.32   Today, sentiment shifted.
  sentiment prevail 1.25   This time, sentiment prevailed.
  sentiment have 1.05   Such sentiments can have an odd resonance.
  sentiment make 0.92   Such sentiment makes him laugh.
  sentiment come 0.86   This sentiment even comes from conjoined twins.
  sentiment take 0.86   Sentiment took a holiday.
  sentiment rise 0.79   And that pro-owner sentiment has been rising since the strike began six months ago.
  sentiment drive 0.72   That sentiment drove bonds lower to midday.
  sentiment build 0.66   Best of all, some sentiment is building for paper ballots.
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