sensational trial 2.24   This is a city obsessed by sensational trials and lawsuits.
  sensational case 2.11   But in time, each sensational case crumbled.
  sensational murder 1.91   It remains the most sensational murder case ever in New Zealand.
  sensational story 1.84   That was the sensational story.
  sensational victory 1.25   The emotional El Guerrouj began celebrating his sensational victory immediately.
  sensational news 1.05   It was sensational national news.
  sensational performance 0.99   Experts agreed that this was a truly sensational performance.
  sensational season 0.92   Moog is having a sensational season.
  sensational play 0.86   It was a sensational play.
  sensational crime 0.79   We left a sensational crime to stray into politics.
  sensational headline 0.72   The immediate result was sensational headlines and much in-house angst.
  sensational report 0.72   But we should not let ourselves be swayed by sensational reports based on sketchy theories.
  sensational catch 0.66   Somehow, Belliard got there in time to make a sensational catch.
  sensational comeback 0.66   Alberto Tomba won the hearts of the fans with a sensational comeback.
  sensational rookie 0.59   They have sensational rookie Jim Carey in net, and an offense with some reliable depth.
  sensational start 0.53   He got off to a sensational start and helped take the Cardinals with him.
  sensational aspect 0.46   You decided you wanted to take on a sensational aspect to it.
  sensational charge 0.46   But the most sensational charges were never proven.
  sensational detail 0.46   The newspapers report it in equally sensational detail, complete with banner headlines.
  sensational form 0.46   He has been in sensational form since his comeback, however.
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