senior be 5.79   Are high school seniors next?
  senior have 3.23   Many seniors have very active lives.
  senior get 1.38   Poor seniors would get free care.
  senior say 1.25   And most seniors say they prefer the community.
  senior take 0.92   If only the brightest seniors take it, averages are higher.
  senior pay 0.79   It may be paid by seniors, but they are affluent seniors.
  senior go 0.72   This is not a season finale to make sure the seniors go out on a good note.
  senior start 0.59   Where do seniors start shopping for travel online?
  senior play 0.53   No seniors play major roles.
  senior graduate 0.46   Skyline seniors graduate Friday.
  senior afford 0.39   Today, only the wealthiest seniors can afford it.
  senior choose 0.39   After the game, the seniors chose not to chastise Traylor for his comments.
  senior do 0.39   College seniors did somewhat better.
  senior become 0.33   The idea is for the seniors to truly become life-long learners.
  senior begin 0.33   The Ohio State senior is beginning to feel a little sick.
  senior come 0.33   But seniors are coming on line at a faster rate than the general population.
  senior face 0.33   The two seniors faced each other Saturday in the Commonwealth Classic at the Fleet Center in Boston.
  senior know 0.33   The seniors know the disappointment well.
  senior make 0.33   The Cowboys rode Big Country for the last time Saturday -- the senior made it a memorable finale.
  senior opt 0.33   Some Secure Horizons seniors have opted to go without treatment.
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