semantic net 0.66   The semantic net of remedial was expanding and expanding.
  semantic theory 0.66   How might we represent these kinds of facts in a semantic theory?
  semantic difference 0.53   Such semantic differences have befuddled peace efforts for months.
  semantic game 0.39   They are not the ones who made listening to the chief executive into a semantic guessing game.
  semantic distinction 0.33   He told me he never intended to make that semantic distinction.
  semantic information 0.33   Give two reasons for including a representation of semantic information in a grammar.
  semantic change 0.26   In each category, childlike translation can lead to semantic change.
  semantic one 0.26   At the core of the issue, which is more than a semantic one, is the idea of transcendence.
  semantic shift 0.26   The phrase underwent a semantic shift.
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