sell be 12.77   Selling the crop is simple.
  sell pressure 0.59   Harvest-related selling also pressured wheat futures.
  sell make 0.53   Selling them now makes sense, he said.
  sell raise 0.46   Selling puts raises the value of futures and options contracts, bringing up common stocks in tow.
  sell dominate 0.39   Currency dealings were dominated by selling of marks for yen.
  sell come 0.33   And if you sold it come back for another one.
  sell continue 0.33   Despite the denial, selling continued.
  sell have 0.33   But selling also has its risks.
  sell hit 0.33   The foreign tranches of bank shares were also hit by selling.
  sell offset 0.33   Bank buying is being offset by selling in exporters, he said.
  sell accelerate 0.26   Selling accelerated in late afternoon after several attempts at a rebound failed.
  sell become 0.26   Selling movies has become a pretty sick proposition.
  sell begin 0.26   Selling began last October and occupancy began only this summer.
  sell direct 0.26   Two people sat on the hay and dreamed about making and selling computers direct to end users.
  sell relate 0.26   The declines partly reflected selling related to expiring stock index and futures contracts.
  sell say 0.26   Selling it said they were no longer top of the heap.
  sell spread 0.26   Selling spread to other telecom stocks.
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