sell in 243.25   The book is sold only in hardback.
  sell as 43.52   Butter is sold as salted and unsalted.
  sell off 39.70   Selling off the family silver.
  sell by 28.64   SELL By T.M. Sell.
  sell through 25.74   Brosco items are sold through lumber stores.
  sell for 23.04   I sold them for fifteen pounds.
  sell under 22.84   Both are sold under the name Rio Star.
  sell at 20.93   He sells it at the cash register.
  sell of 18.83   Mason had to sell of!
  sell with 12.64   The drug is only sold with a prescription.
  sell from 9.87   He sells from dawn until dusk.
  sell into 9.55   A few are sold into prostitution.
  sell over 8.29   Is he selling them over there?
  sell like 6.71   They sell like hot cakes.
  sell without 6.45   Refills are sold without grinders.
  sell before 5.33   Quaker has bought and sold before, however.
  sell during 5.27   No imported buses were sold during the month.
  sell after 5.13   Insiders sell soon after offering.
  sell outside 4.34   The shares would be sold outside Colombia.
  sell down 4.28   He got sold down the line.
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