sector fund 4.02   Muresianu had run several sector funds.
  sector reform 2.30   Half of the loan will be used for power sector reform.
  sector commander 1.12   The UN sector commander would have lodged a protest, he said.
  sector stock 0.99   Financial sector stocks also did poorly.
  sector leader 0.86   Interest-rate sensitive finance sector leaders declined.
  sector rotation 0.79   Sector rotation has scarcely done better of late.
  sector activity 0.72   Numbers are due shortly on manufacturing sector activity.
  sector job 0.72   The proportion of service sector jobs within the economy has grown.
  sector growth 0.59   The recovery of the manufacturing sector will power economic growth in the months ahead, economists said.
  sector investment 0.59   Purchase price not disclosed, but Texas is one of several regions the company has targeted for power sector investments.
  sector share 0.59   Foreign investors poured money into financial sector shares.
  sector company 0.53   But defense sector companies and the entertainment industry did react with a sense of urgency.
  sector crisis 0.53   Thailand has been faced with a finance sector crisis amid a property glut and falling prices.
  sector union 0.53   The Health Ministry said talks with health sector unions might take place Tuesday.
  sector worker 0.53   But government wage debts to state sector workers remain huge.
  sector problem 0.46   He told them that Japan was taking steps to deal with its recession and banking sector problems.
  sector project 0.46   A WB mission recently visited the country to review the progress of currently funded energy sector projects in the country.
  sector headquarters 0.39   Kruhm seemed to fight off tears as he spoke at the local sector headquarters.
  sector index 0.39   New sector indexes representing the nine will also be set up.
  sector analyst 0.33   Conversely, most fund managers will unload stocks out of favor with its sector analyst.
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