sectarian violence 19.95   Five killed in sectarian violence.
  sectarian tension 2.70   Sectarian tensions are running high in Belfast.
  sectarian killing 2.63   But it had all the signs of a sectarian killing.
  sectarian attack 1.97   Police said it was unclear whether it was a sectarian attack.
  sectarian strife 1.65   Both face charges of fomenting sectarian strife.
  sectarian conflict 1.45   Sugianto refused to link the suspects with the sectarian conflict.
  sectarian divide 1.45   Reaction from politicians on both sides of the sectarian divide.
  sectarian clash 1.38   Thousands have died in sectarian clashes there during the past two years.
  sectarian group 1.12   Shiite leaders have blamed the Sipah-e-Sahaba, an extremist Sunni sectarian group, for the killing.
  sectarian passion 1.05   The marches inevitably inflame sectarian passions, particularly in Portadown.
  sectarian unrest 0.92   Watching sectarian unrest in Ambon.
  sectarian hatred 0.86   They occurred in a climate of sectarian hatred in India.
  sectarian riot 0.86   Charges against Seif of fomenting sectarian riots were also thrown out.
  sectarian line 0.79   The country was split along sectarian lines.
  sectarian murder 0.72   His remarks came after the sectarian murders of four Catholics in the past nine days.
  sectarian party 0.66   And the dispossessed minorities found renewed inspiration in sectarian parties.
  sectarian organization 0.53   Sixty percent favored banning sectarian organizations.
  sectarian trouble 0.46   It came despite strict security measures taken by the government to prevent sectarian trouble.
  sectarian war 0.46   They fought each other and millions of them were killed in sectarian wars.
  sectarian battle 0.39   It arrived on Sulawesi a few months ago after taking part in sectarian battles in the Maluku islands.
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