seat be 56.75   Is this seat free?
  seat go 8.36   Five seats went to women.
  seat have 4.94   The seats have no leg room.
  seat fold 2.70   The middle seats also fold forward.
  seat remain 2.57   One seat remains vacant.
  seat become 1.65   Two seats recently became vacant.
  seat hold 1.32   Its front bench seat holds three adults easily.
  seat come 1.12   The seats come right down within a few feet of the court.
  seat give 1.05   But child seats give cause for general concern.
  seat fall 0.99   Three open seats did fall to the Republicans.
  seat offer 0.99   Angled seats offer excellent viewing.
  seat make 0.86   Besides, the nose-bleed seats are making her nauseous.
  seat provide 0.72   This seat provides good lumbar support.
  seat seem 0.66   But my seats seem pretty far from the action.
  seat open_up 0.59   Only eight seats opened up this year.
  seat get 0.53   This season, though, the seat gets a little warmer.
  seat open 0.46   But when a House seat opened, friends encouraged him to run.
  seat prove 0.46   Got the seat at home to prove it.
  seat recline 0.46   How far back does your seat recline?
  seat belong 0.39   The remaining seats belong to two left-wing parties.
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