scholar say 24.23   But scholars say that image is a myth.
  scholar be 5.40   Scholars are at work, too.
  scholar believe 4.74   Some scrolls scholars believe they were the Essenes.
  scholar agree 3.69   Scholars agree.
  scholar have 2.70   Other scholars had other views.
  scholar argue 2.57   Scholars of third parties argue that such candidacies always fade.
  scholar think 1.45   Some scholars think so.
  scholar consider 1.25   Some legal scholars consider it a form of court-sponsored blackmail.
  scholar begin 1.18   Other scholars began to weigh in.
  scholar disagree 1.18   Some scholars disagree.
  scholar find 1.18   Scholars find even that significant.
  scholar note 1.05   Political scholars have noted the same shift.
  scholar take 1.05   But most Bible scholars take a different approach.
  scholar see 0.99   Only a few scholars have seen it.
  scholar call 0.92   Legal scholars have called it a qualified privilege.
  scholar question 0.92   Constitutional scholars immediately questioned the ruling.
  scholar speculate 0.92   Scholars can only speculate on why Sugihara did what he did.
  scholar suggest 0.92   Maybe Twain had moved on, one scholar suggested.
  scholar debate 0.86   Scholars still debate its meaning.
  scholar doubt 0.79   Some scholars doubt it.
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