savage attack 2.50   He was the victim of a savage attack.
  savage war 0.86   NATO embroiled in a savage war in mountain bottlenecks.
  savage beast 0.79   They were attacked by a savage beast.
  savage beating 0.72   There have been some savage beatings resulting in death.
  savage act 0.53   It was a savage criminal act and is being treated as such by the department.
  savage blow 0.53   ...a savage blow in the crutch which doubled him up.
  savage cut 0.53   But humiliation is a savage cut.
  savage assault 0.39   Someday he must be held accountable for his savage assault on Kosovo.
  savage dog 0.39   ...a savage dog lunging at the end of a chain.
  savage murder 0.39   A Martinique man was jailed pending trial for the savage murders of his two children.
  savage battle 0.33   Instead, it turned into a six-week savage battle, with heavy losses suffered by the army.
  savage breast 0.33   That soothed his savage breast.
  savage force 0.26   We give the Northern Alliance an air force and they embarrass us with savage force.
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