sailing ship 4.67   ...the wreck of a sailing ship.
  sailing vessel 2.50   A hatch is a door on a sailing vessel.
  sailing team 1.12   He served two years there as captain of the sailing team.
  sailing trip 0.99   Albert wants to take a solo sailing trip around the world.
  sailing event 0.92   Q. How far off the coast do the sailing events take place?
  sailing center 0.86   But little can be done by residents to stop the sailing center.
  sailing race 0.86   All the best sailing races happen on oceans, right?
  sailing experience 0.72   The vessels offer a luxurious computer-operated sailing experience.
  sailing competition 0.66   There is sailing competition in Charlestown.
  sailing club 0.59   Did you renew your membership in the sailing club?
  sailing lesson 0.59   And those who want to might even take in a sailing lesson or two.
  sailing vacation 0.59   A sailing vacation is an option many are taking.
  sailing coach 0.53   Nippon Challenge sailing coach Peter Gilmour said Wednesday night that the charges were a surprise.
  sailing camp 0.39   The sailing camps are nearly full, but other programs are open.
  sailing day 0.39   It was as grand a sailing day as anyone could ask, not that many were taking it in.
  sailing record 0.39   Frenchman breaks round-the-world sailing record.
  sailing venue 0.39   In the past Henderson has accused ACOG of delaying in building the sailing venue.
  sailing ability 0.33   But never lost in its looks is its marvelous sailing ability.
  sailing community 0.33   This regatta means a lot to the sailing community internationally.
  sailing craft 0.33   Island after island, some barren, many dotted with summer homes and sailing craft everywhere.
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