sacred site 8.29   No sacred site will be protected.
  sacred place 3.88   Sacred places are everywhere.
  sacred text 3.29   Yet these texts are read as sacred texts.
  sacred ground 3.16   It is sacred ground.
  sacred space 2.04   It felt like a sacred space.
  sacred object 1.91   It has evolved into a sacred object.
  sacred music 1.71   Moreover he enjoyed sacred music too.
  sacred shrine 1.65   Animists, they feel they are the biological deans of indigenous plants and sacred shrines.
  sacred trust 1.38   It is a sacred trust.
  sacred duty 1.12   And nothing must threaten this sacred duty.
  sacred symbol 1.12   Sheep have long been a sacred symbol to the Navajo.
  sacred animal 0.92   It was also fed to sacred animals.
  sacred relic 0.92   There are treasure boxes made for sacred relics or jewels.
  sacred land 0.79   And tribes see their sacred lands disappear.
  sacred mountain 0.79   The Japanese regard Mount Fuji as a sacred mountain.
  sacred rite 0.79   Baseball remains the sacred rite in Brooklyn.
  sacred right 0.72   Freedom is a sacred right.
  sacred ceremony 0.66   It is believed Aborigines used the point for sacred ceremonies.
  sacred fire 0.66   A sacred fire is protected by small, round stones.
  sacred grove 0.66   The sacred grove is our sanctuary, our temple.
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