robber flee 3.62   The robber fled.
  robber be 3.49   Three would-be robbers were on the run.
  robber shoot 2.96   A robber had shot him in the back of the head.
  robber escape 2.44   The robber escaped.
  robber take 2.44   The robbers took advantage.
  robber kill 1.25   Official says Belarusian Orthodox priest killed by robbers.
  robber use 1.25   The robbers used their hostages as a shield.
  robber open 1.12   Police said the lawyers fled and the robbers opened fire.
  robber have 1.05   Police believe the robbers may have had inside information.
  robber attack 0.99   Robbers attack tourists on Corcovado Mountain.
  robber wear 0.99   Both the robbers were wearing masks.
  robber fire 0.92   But the robber still fired his handgun twice.
  robber drive 0.79   The robbers drove away in his Toyota car.
  robber try 0.79   A shootout occurred earlier when the robbers tried to flee the bank.
  robber threaten 0.72   They said armed robbers threatened them Tuesday night and seized all their money.
  robber break 0.66   The armed robbers broke into the house Monday night, UNI said.
  robber get 0.66   But the would-be robbers got one thing wrong.
  robber go 0.66   Where are the robbers going?
  robber leave 0.66   But the robbers left police a bloody trail.
  robber run 0.66   The two other robbers ran away.
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