ringgit be 2.24   The ringgit was also lower against other major currencies.
  ringgit make 0.72   A weak ringgit makes imports more expensive.
  ringgit strengthen 0.66   The ringgit should strengthen once the political scene was clearer.
  ringgit close 0.59   The ringgit closed mixed against other currencies.
  ringgit fall 0.59   Hence the small panic when the ringgit fell.
  ringgit lose 0.59   The ringgit lost about a third of its value the past five months.
  ringgit continue 0.53   The weak ringgit continues to pressure the local stock market last Thursday.
  ringgit weaken 0.46   The sharp drop in the rupiah caused the ringgit to weaken on Monday.
  ringgit end 0.39   The ringgit ended mixed against other major currencies.
  ringgit appreciate 0.33   He said he had expected the ringgit to appreciate against the dollar, though not at this pace.
  ringgit trade 0.33   The Malaysian ringgit was trading weaker against the U.S. dollar.
  ringgit depreciate 0.26   They cannot continue to do this when the ringgit has already depreciated...
  ringgit have 0.26   Rafidah also said the strengthening ringgit will not have any effect on the inflow of FDI into the country.
  ringgit hurt 0.26   The weakening ringgit also hurt share prices.
  ringgit plunge 0.26   The Malaysian ringgit plunged to a record low and the Indonesian rupiah neared a record low in a major selloff of Asian currencies.
  ringgit remain 0.26   Meanwhile, on the money market interest rates remained unchanged across the board as the ringgit remained steady.
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