rich get 5.40   The rich get.
  rich be 4.61   The rich are different.
  rich have 1.25   The rich have the land.
  rich pay 0.72   The rich could always pay for it.
  rich afford 0.59   And the rich can afford to.
  rich keep 0.53   Rich keep getting richer.
  rich benefit 0.46   Perhaps the rich did benefit, but so did Uncle Sam.
  rich do 0.46   The rich do all right.
  rich live 0.46   The rich simply cannot live with that, said supporters of the exiled President.
  rich people 0.33   Rich people.
  rich stay 0.33   The rich stay because they can afford it.
  rich become 0.26   In essence, the rich become role models.
  rich buy 0.26   The rich routinely buy their freedom.
  rich go 0.26   The well-to-do consult fortune tellers and the rich go overseas.
  rich grow 0.26   The rich grew richer.
  rich make 0.26   The rich made themselves as close to bullet-proof as a team can be.
  rich seem 0.26   Not just the rich seem opposed to the tax.
  rich send 0.26   The rich sent their children to public schools.
  rich tend 0.26   Today, the rich tend to avoid vulgar displays of wealth in favor of a more rugged, casual look.
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