reward be 29.49   But there are rewards.
  reward come 2.57   Now comes the reward.
  reward go 1.05   No material rewards go with honors.
  reward outweigh 0.66   The rewards will outweigh the risk.
  reward include 0.53   The rewards include bits of clothing.
  reward offer 0.39   Reward offered.
  reward await 0.33   A big reward awaits!
  reward have 0.33   His reward was having to dredge up the case.
  reward become 0.26   In financial terms, the rewards have become sizable.
  reward help 0.26   If a reward helps at all, Luke suspects, it will be to attract attention.
  reward justify 0.26   And the rewards justify the gamble.
  reward remain 0.26   So what possible reward remains?
  reward seem 0.26   In the end, the rewards seem worth the risk for a Program.
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