retake control 4.41   Spain then started to retake control.
  retake island 2.70   China has vowed to retake the island by force.
  retake area 2.04   Then American infantry came to retake the area.
  retake town 1.97   The town was retaken by the army on Sunday.
  retake lead 1.91   He retook the lead close to the finish line.
  retake territory 1.84   Serbs say they have retaken lost territory.
  retake land 1.78   Tuesday marked the first time Israel retook land.
  retake test 1.51   Students can retake the test.
  retake city 1.05   Separatist fighters retook the city last month.
  retake power 0.99   He vowed Sunday to return soon to Doha from exile in Abu Dhabi and retake power.
  retake zone 0.86   Late Wednesday, the military began preparations to retake the zone.
  retake position 0.79   But the south said it had retaken the positions in a counter offensive.
  retake region 0.72   The Croatian public seems to be fully behind a war to retake the region.
  retake village 0.72   Then, an Abkhazian official said that its units using artillery and armor had retaken the village.
  retake post 0.66   The post was retaken.
  retake building 0.53   Government troops retake key buildings.
  retake exam 0.53   Retake the exam you mean?
  retake part 0.53   Israel to retake parts of West Bank after bus attack.
  retake prison 0.53   Government troops retook the prisons Tuesday to prevent hundreds of hunger strikers from dying.
  retake seat 0.53   It has refused to retake the seat since.
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