restored building 1.32   Restored buildings are lit with beeswax candles.
  restored house 1.12   A dining room in the restored house.
  restored version 0.59   Now Warner Bros. is re-releasing a fully restored version.
  restored film 0.53   Pioneer will issue the restored film on Tuesday.
  restored town 0.46   The Strand, the restored historic town center.
  restored car 0.39   Vaughan in Weir, Tex., with his trailer, used to haul restored cars.
  restored confidence 0.39   Welcome, travelers, to the year of restored public confidence.
  restored farmhouse 0.39   Nisayan and his wife, Mujde, in their restored farmhouse in Sirince.
  restored home 0.39   To get out of the sun, visit caves and castles, restored homes and old forts.
  restored order 0.39   The shooting prompted three nights of rioting before a curfew helped restored order.
  restored tie 0.39   Most EU nations then recalled their ambassadors, but quickly restored ties.
  restored castle 0.33   In his old life, he drove an armor-plated limousine and lived in a restored castle outside Frankfurt.
  restored democracy 0.33   Others were dismayed that the newly restored democracy failed to revive the economy.
  restored electricity 0.33   The government had cut power once before, but restored electricity and water earlier Saturday amid complaints from hostages.
  restored mansion 0.33   The ceremony was held in a recently restored mansion in the old Bascarsija section of the city.
  restored power 0.33   Russian flight controllers said the crew was using newly restored power to recharge various systems.
  restored synagogue 0.33   The restored synagogue will not function as a house of worship.
  restored theater 0.33   They have a dazzling restored historic theater as the focal point.
  restored beach 0.26   But erosion along restored beaches was the major worry of the day.
  restored church 0.26   So, too, are the restored churches of St. Monica and St. Thomas the Apostle.
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