reshuffle cabinet 5.46   -- Ruling coalition likely to reshuffle cabinet.
  reshuffle government 1.97   He reshuffled the government three times.
  reshuffle management 0.46   It has also reshuffled the management of its money management and bond divisions in recent months.
  reshuffle portfolio 0.46   That, in turn, is leading some investment managers to reshuffle their portfolios.
  reshuffle board 0.33   Gemina voted to reshuffle its board and to give more control to outside directors.
  reshuffle deck 0.33   The decks are being reshuffled.
  reshuffle lineup 0.26   How would you reshuffle the lineup?
  reshuffle post 0.26   A career U.N. insider who took office with U.S. support last January, Annan denied he was merely reshuffling posts.
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