reporting requirement 9.94   Lobbyists have similar reporting requirements.
  reporting system 4.48   The reporting system had the desired effect.
  reporting period 3.03   Reporting periods vary slightly.
  reporting season 2.57   The earnings reporting season continues today.
  reporting date 2.24   The mandatory reporting date is Friday.
  reporting standard 1.51   So this time it raised its reporting standards.
  reporting procedure 1.45   This is a change to the reporting procedure.
  reporting rule 1.38   FASB began work on the business segment reporting rule about five years ago.
  reporting earnings 1.32   Large city banks also are reporting earnings today.
  reporting restriction 1.32   Reporting restrictions were not lifted.
  reporting loss 1.18   Travel agents in Barbados also were reporting losses.
  reporting information 1.12   Such delays in reporting official information are common in Cuba.
  reporting job 1.05   Bravin has done an admirable reporting job.
  reporting method 1.05   He attributed the rise to better reporting methods and the increase in beach visitors.
  reporting abuse 0.99   They also say they will follow state laws concerning reporting abuse.
  reporting process 0.86   But there was no lack of hand-wringing during the reporting process.
  reporting practice 0.79   Al-Quds, a pro-PLO daily, also criticized the restrictions and defended its reporting practices.
  reporting trip 0.79   He was on a similar reporting trip last month when he disappeared.
  reporting assignment 0.72   The reporting assignment is the latest new pursuit taken up by the duchess.
  reporting casualty 0.72   Two homes were damaged, police said, without reporting casualties.
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