report say 1160.51   Official reports said casualties were high.
  report be 562.81   The report is due Tuesday.
  report show 81.57   Newspaper reports showed him little charity.
  report suggest 79.07   Initial police reports suggest she was murdered.
  report indicate 64.85   A hospital report indicated signs of abuse.
  report come 47.86   And the TV reports came.
  report give 40.36   The report gave no details.
  report find 31.53   That report apparently found no illegality.
  report note 28.51   Some dark clouds remain, the report noted.
  report add 26.20   One person was detained, the report added.
  report cite 25.41   Other reports cited lower tolls.
  report quote 24.49   Japanese news reports quoted him as saying.
  report recommend 22.84   His report recommends a simplified testing system.
  report have 20.93   Its report will have a Texas emphasis.
  report include 20.34   The report includes a state-by-state breakdown.
  report provide 19.49   The report provided few details.
  report conclude 18.76   But the report concludes the opposite.
  report call 16.52   What does the report call for and encourage?
  report make 14.81   Your report made fascinating reading.
  report contain 12.44   The report contained several inaccuracies.
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