replacement player 32.92   Do you like replacement players?
  replacement worker 12.84   Company brings in replacement workers.
  replacement part 9.94   He also makes replacement parts.
  replacement surgery 9.08   He recently had knee replacement surgery.
  replacement game 5.20   Watching replacement games on TV.
  replacement team 4.87   Now comes the replacement team.
  replacement baseball 4.15   Not replacement baseball.
  replacement reactor 3.55   Negotiations over light-water replacement reactors are in suspension.
  replacement tire 3.29   We got a lot of replacement tires to build.
  replacement umpire 2.83   Ford is a replacement umpire.
  replacement ball 2.17   Replacement ball is a nice way to do it.
  replacement driver 2.11   They had to hire replacement Zamboni drivers.
  replacement crew 2.04   The arrival of the replacement crew also did not go according to plan.
  replacement official 2.04   In each case, the replacement officials cheapened the product.
  replacement cost 1.97   Clearly, though, prices should cover replacement costs.
  replacement window 1.58   What about the replacement windows?
  replacement candidate 1.45   No immediate replacement candidates were known.
  replacement operation 1.38   Hip replacement operations are gone with it.
  replacement market 1.25   As a result, the replacement market has gone into high gear.
  replacement referee 1.25   The replacement referee was confused.
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